Since 1978, the AFSA has been actively involved in shaping the codes that affect us all.

See our Mission Statement here.


Since the inception of the Safety Codes Council, the AFSA has been an active participant in the Fire Sub Council. This group shapes the direction of the Alberta Fire Code as it constantly evolves to improve fire safety for all Albertans.

At all of our meetings there is a committee report of the on-going activities of the council. Our representative (Abdel Selmi) has direct input in to these important meetings so that our industry’s concerns are always heard at the highest level in the province.

Through that affiliation we also have the opportunity to comment at the national level whenever the National Fire Code of Canada is out for review.

The AFSA has 4 other committees working to improve fire safety in Alberta.

Fire Alarm Committee

Our fire alarm committee has many representatives from the fire alarm industry who are able to bring their fire related concerns to committee meetings and discuss things in a meaningful way. They work hard to make sure that Albertans are kept safe by maintaining these very important life safety systems.

Portable Fire Extinguisher Committee

Portable fire extinguishers are quite often the first responder to a blaze before it gets out of control. Our portable fire extinguishers committee has some of the fire industry’s best service companies involved. They work together to advise of issues and recalls that affect portable fire extinguishers.

Kitchen Suppression & Special Hazards Committee

Our special hazards group work on some of the lesser understood systems installed in buildings throughout the country. These systems need to be in perfect working order so they can combat the aggressive fires that they are expected to suppress before those fires get out of hand.

Kitchen Exhaust Cleaners Committee

Our kitchen exhaust cleaners have worked hard to educate both building owners and fire authorities on the unique hazards of kitchen exhaust systems. The buildup of grease from commercial cooking operations has destroyed many buildings in the past. Through their dedication they bring improvements to the fire safety of restaurants, hotels and much more.